Research & Achievement
Associate Dean (for international accreditation; research; international exchange)
Chair of the Department of Information Resources Management
2008.1: Ph.D., Information Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
1995. 6: MS, Library and Information Science, Nankai University, China
1992.7: BA, Libraryand Information Science, Nankai University, China
2011.12-: Professor, Department of Information Resources Management, Business School, Nankai University
2009-2011.12: Associate Professor, Department of Information Resources Management, Business School, Nankai University
2008.1-2009.92008.1-2009.9: Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Science, The University of Southern Mississippi, USA
2003.9-2006.122003.9-2006.12: Part-time Lecturer, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
2003.10-2007.12: Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief (Dr. Tefko Saracevic), Information Processing and Management: An International Journal
1995.6-2000.12: Assistant Professor, Department of Information Resources Management, Business School, Nankai University
2018: Excellence in Teaching Program
2016: Excellent Young Scholar of 2015 in Humanities and Social Science in China
2013: ASIS&T Lecture Series Award (with Dr. Diane Sonnenwald)
2011: Highly commended Winner of the 2011 Emerald Chinese LIS Research Fund Award
2008: Runner-up, Elfreda E. Chatman Research Proposal Award, SIGUSE, ASIST
2006: I-conference Doctoral Colloquium full travel support
2006: SIGIR06 Student Travel Support Award
AIST, Publication Committee Co-Chair (2016.11-2017,11)
ASIST, Pulication Committee member (2015.11-
ASIST, IRC member (2014-
Editorial Board Member:
Information Processing and Management: An International Journal, published by Elsevier
International Journal of Digital Library Systems,An official publications of Information Resources Management Association, published by IGI Global
Journal of Data and Information Science, Sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Scineces and published by the National Science Library of CAS.
International Journal of Digital Library Systems
Membership: ASIST since 2003
Journals (in English):
• Li, Yuelin, Liu, Chang (2019). Information resource, interface, and tasks as user interaction components for digital library evaluation. Information Processing & Management, 2019,56(3), 704-720.
• Li, Yuelin, Li, Ying, Pan, Y., Han, H. (2019). Work-task types, stages, and information seeking behavior of strategic planners. Journal of Documentation, 2019,75(1),2-23, JD-01-2018-0015.
Li, Yuelin, Li, Ying, Li Ang (2014). Chinese college students' understanding of Internet ethical issues: Asurvey of awareness and attitude.ChineseJournal of Library and Information Science,2014, 7 (3), 18-32.
Li, Y. (2012). Investigating the relationships between facets of work task and selection and query-related behavior. Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science. 5(1), 51-69.
Li, Y. , Xiao, X., Feng, X. J., & Yan, H. (2012). Adaptation and localization: Metadata research and development in China. International Journal of Digital Library Systems, 3(1), 1-21.
Li, Y., & Belkin, N. J. (2010). An exploration of the relationships between work task and interactive information search behavior. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(9): 1771-1789.
Li, Y. (2009). Exploring the relationships between work task and search task in information search. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2), 275-291.
Li, Y., & Belkin, N. J. (2008). A faceted approach to conceptualizing task in information seeking. Information Processing & Management, 44(6), 1822-1837.
Zhang, Y., & Li, Y. (2008). A user-centered functional metadata evaluation on Moving Image Collections. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(8), 1331-1346.
Zhang, X., Li, Y., Liu, J., & Zhang, Y. (2008). Effects of interaction design in digital libraries on user interactions. Journal of Documentation, 64(3), 438-463.
Zhang, X., & Li, Y. (2008), Use of collaborative recommendations for web search: An exploratory user study. Journal of Information science, 34(2), 145-161.
Journal Articles (in Chinese):
Li, Y., Zhang, Xiu., Wang, S. (2018). Health information quality in social media: An analysis based on the features of real and fake health information. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 37(3), 294-304.
Li, Y., Zhang, Xiaotong. (2018). A review for data-driven information behavior research. Journal of Information Resource Management, (2), 13-27.
Li, Y., Zhang, Xin. (2018). Developing a tool for evaluating interaction in digital libraries. Journal of Academic Libraries. (2), 59-70.
Li, Y., He, P. (2018). Developing a theoretical model for a gamified information retrieval system. Library and Information Service, (6), 69-76.
Zhang, Xiaotong, Li, Y. (2018). Factors that influence information seeking behavior of college student learning-oriented teams: A case of college student teams for mathematical contest in modeling. Library and Information Service, (5), 54-67.
Li, Y., Zhang, X. (2018). Colleage students' capability in health information screening in social media. Library, Information, & Knowledge, (1), 66-77.
Li, Y., He, P. (2017). Technology acceptance research in China: Characteristics, issues, and the future. Journal of Library Science in China, 43(01), 29-48.
Li, Y., Fan, Zh, & Sun, X. (2017). Task attributes of exploratory search tasks and information-seeking behavior. Information and Documentation Services, (1), 43(01): 54-61.
Li, Y., Liang, N., & Qi, X.(2016). From Interaction Dimensions to Interaction Function:Developing a Theoretical Model for Evaluating Interaction in Digital Libraries. Journal of Library Science in China, 42(1), 66-82.
Li, Y., & Yan, X. (2015). College students' information-seeking cost for job hunting and influencial factors. Library and Information Services, 59(13), 53-62.
Li, Y., & Yan, X. (2015). College students' information-seeking behavior dureing job hunting: Selection and use of information sources. Library, Information & Knowledge, 5, 57-65.
Li, Y. , &Zhang,J(2015).Personalizedinformation retrieval user model based on tasks. Information Studies:Theory & Application, 38(05):60-65.Li, Y. , &Liu,B(2015).Comparative study of the representative web user information search behavior between China and America:based on a cross cultural perspective. Information Studies:Theory & Application. 38(3),116-121.
Li, Yuelin, Li, Ying, Li Ang (2014). Chinese college students' understanding of Internet ethical issues: A survey of awareness and attitude. Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science, 7 (3), 18-32.
Li, Y. , &Liu,J. (2014). Research on information utilization behavior of individual investors' investment decisions. Information and Documentation Services,2014, 35(6):29-34.
Li, Y. , &Liang,N. (2014). Mission-oriented educational quality management: AACSB accreditation and undergraduate education of library science in China[J]. Library,Information & Knowledge, (6): 5-11.
Li, Y. , Xiao,X.,&Hu,D. (2014). Task design in information retrieval experiment: A comparative study on real and simulated work tasks. Library and Information Service, 58(16):5-12.
Li, Y. (2014).Tasks based information seeking and retrieval. Advances in Information Science, v.10, 198-237.
Li, Yuelin, Li, Ying, Li Ang (2014). A study university Students' Network Information Ethics Awareness and Influencing factors. Information and Documentation Services,(2):10-16.
Li, Y. , Xiao,X.,&Tong,X(2014). Relationships between dimensions of human-computer interaction and users' interaction performance in digital libraries. Library and Information Service, 58(2):38-46,120.
Li, Y. , Li,A.,Wang,M.&Yang,H. (2013). Studies in college students’ Web use behavior: influencing factor and theory model. Information Studies:Theory & Application,36(9):21-27.
Li, Y. ,Hu,L. ,&Liu,J. (2013). Information seeking behavior of individual investors on the Web: Search or Browsing? Library and Information Service ,57(10):45-50,57.
Li, Y. , & Cai,W(2012). A review of the studies on health information seeking behavior overseas. Library and Information Service , 56(19), 128-132.
Li, Y. , &Hu,L. (2012). Analysis of the information behavior of investors: Research on the selection and use of information sources. Information and Documentation Services,(4),90-97.
Li, Y. , &Liu,C. (2012)Information science in the USA: A review for the full papers presented in the annual meeting of ASIST 2011. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 31(5), 452-469.
Li, Y. , &Hu,L. (2012).Information seeking and search based on context and situation. Information Science, (1), 110-114.
Li, Y. , &Zhang,X. (2011).Individual differences and usability of digital libraries. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(9),980-989.
Li, Ying &Li, Yuelin(2011). Redesign of the information ethics course for library and information professional. Library and Information Service, 55(13),37-41.
Li, Y. ,Yan,H &Ke,P(2011).Shaping MLIS as MBA: Reflections on MLIS education in China. Library and Information Service , 55(13), 24-27,120.
Li, Yuelin & Li, Ying (2011). Professional researchers with broad knowledge: What We can Learn from the doctoral education in information science in the USA .Library and Information Service , 55(6),66-69.
Li, Y. (2000).Information needs analysis in an orgnization. Information Science, 18(6), 518-521.
Li, Y. (2000).Preliminary discussion on the development and utilization of value-added information products. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 23(2),123-125.
Li, Y. (2000).The discipline system of information resources management science. Library and Information Service, 1,16-18,12.
Zhong,S,.&Li, Y. (2000).Discussion on the related field and the development period of IRM. Library Work And Study, 1, 3-8.
Zhong,S,.&Li, Y. (2000). Conceptulization of information resources management. Journal of Library Science In China, 26(1), 24-26.
Zhong,S,.&Li, Y. (2000). A review of the IRM definition research .Information Science , 18(1), 75-79.
Li, Y. (1999). udies on the content of IRM thinking. Library Theory and Practice, 2, 11-13.
Li, Y. &.Zhong,S, (1996).IRM and the development of librarianship.Tianjin Library Journal, 3, 1-12.
Li, Y. &.Zhong,S, (1996). A comparative study of library science undergraduate curriculum between mainland and Taiwan. Library Work And Study , 4, 11-15.
Li, Y. (1995). A comparative study of the university library reference service between mainland and Taiwan area. Library Work And Study , 4, 11-15.
Li, Y. (1995). Research on university library management model under the new situation. Tianjin Library Journal, 1, 23-28.
Li, Y. (1994). The reform of the market economy and national intelligence system. Shanxi Library Journal, 4, 1-4.
Li, Y. (1994). Preliminary discussion of how university libraries enter the market. Tianjin Library Journal, 1, 33-39.
Li, Y. (1994). The emergence and development of IFLA. Tianjin Library Journal, 1, 81-91.
Li, Y. (1993). Return to GATT and LIS higher education in our country. Library Work And Study , , 3, 44-46.
Li, Y. (1993). Analysis on the application of management psychology to library management. Tianjin Library Journal, 3, 56-66.
Proceedings (in English):
Li, Y., Zhang, X., & Wang, S. Fake vs. Real Health Information in Social Media in China (2017). Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Information Science and Technology, 2017.10, Washington, D.C., USA.
Li, Y., Liu, J. (2017). Chinese individual investors’ information-seeking behavior on the web. I-conference, 2017.03,Wuhan, China.
Tang, R., Mon, L, Beheshti, J., Li, Y., et al. (2016). Need assessment of ASIS&T publications: Bridging information research and practice. Proceedings of the 79th ASIST Annunal Meeting. Oct. 13-19, 2016, Copenhagan, Danmark.
Li, Y. He, X., & Hu, D. (2015). Information seeking and sharing in virtual communities: A case study of Chinese IT professionals. Proceedings of the 78th ASIST Annunal Meeting. Nov. 5-10, 2015, St. Louis, MO, USA.
Li, Y. He, X., & Hu, D. (2015). Information seeking and sharing in virtual communities: A case study of Chinese IT professionals. Proceedings of the 78th ASIST Annunal Meeting. Nov. 5-10, 2015, St. Louis, MO, USA.Li, Y., &Sonnenwald, D. (2014). In the context of big data and cloud computing: A multidimensional LIS. A report from the 12th confernce on Library and Information Science Across the Taiwan Straits. Bulletin Of the ASSOCIATION for Information Science and Technology, 41(1): 45-48. (A meeting review)
Li, Y., & Hu, D. (2013). Interactive retrieval using simulated versus real work task situations: differences in sub-facets of tasks and interaction performance. In Grove A.(Ed.), Proceedings of the 76th ASIS&T Annual Meeting, 2013, 50. Retrieved 12, 06, from:
Zhang, X., Li, Y. (2012). Effects of “Advanced Search” on User Performance and Search Efforts: A Case Study with Three Digital Libraries. Proceedings of HICSS 2012, Jan. 4-7, 2012, Hawai'i, USA.
Li, Y., Chen, Y., Liu, J., Cheng, Y., Wang, X., Chen, P., & Wang, Q. (2011). Measuring task complexity in information search from user’s perspective. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. October 09-13, 2011, New Orleans, LA, USA
Li, Y. (2010). An exploration of the relationships between work tasks and users’ interaction performance. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. October 22-27, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA, USA,Retrieved Sep. 16, 2011, from
Li, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2010). The influence of Saracevic on Information Science in China: A citation analysis. Proceedings of Tefko 2010, Nov. 7-8, 2010, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.
Zhang, X., Liu, J., Li, Y., Zhang, Y. (2009). How usable are operational digital libraries-A usability evaluation of system interactions. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, 2009, PA: Pittsburgh, July 14-17. pp. 177-186.
Zhang, X., Li, Y., Zhang, Y., Grenier, G., Trivedi, M., & Gischlar, D. (2007). Effects of different field weights on search performance in digital libraries: A preliminary study. Proceedings of the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 13p.
Zhang, X., Li, Y., Liu, J., & Zhang, Y. (2007). Effects of browse design in digital libraries on users’ browsing experience. Proceedings of Libraries in Digital Age Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 10p.
Li, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, J., & Zhang, Y. (2006). Trained vs. untrained searchers’ interaction with search features in digital libraries: A case study. Proceedings of ASIST Annual Conference, Nov. 3-8, Austin, TX.
Li, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., & Liu, J. (2006). A comparative study of the effect of search feature design on user experience in digital libraries (DLs). In S. Dumais, E. N. Efthimiadis, D. Hawking, & K. Järvelin, Twenty-Ninth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (pp.669-670). ACM, Inc.
Li, Y. (2006). The relationship between work task and interactive information searching behavior. Doctoral Colloquium Abstracts: I-Conference 2006. October 15, 2006, Ann Arbor, MI.
Zhang, X., Li, Y., & Jewell, S. (2005). Design and evaluation of a prototype user interface supporting sharing of search knowledge in information retrieval. Proceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. CD ROM.
Zhang, X. & Li, Y. (2005). An exploratory study on knowledge sharing in information retrieval. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawai'I International Conference on Systems Science (CD ROM), January 3-6, 2005, Computer Society Press, 2005. Nine pages.
Belkin, N. J., Cole, M., Gwizdka, J., Li, Y., Liu, J.-J., Muresan, G, Roussinov, D., Smith, C. L., Taylor, A., Yuan, X.-J. (2005). Rutgers information interaction lab at TREC 2005: Trying HARD. In E. M. Voorhees, & L. P. Buckland (Eds.), The Fourteenth Text Retrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2005), Gaithersburg, MA: NIST.
Wu, M., Muresan, G., McLean, A., Tang, M.-C., Wilkinson, R., Li, Y., Lee, H-J., & Belkin, N. J. (2004). Human versus machine in the topic distillation task. In K. Järvelin, J. Allan, P. Bruza, & M. Sanderson, Proceedings of Sheffield SIGIR2004 (pp.385-392). New York, NY: ACM.
Li, Y. (2004). Task type and a faceted classification of task. Proceedings of 2004 American Society for Information Science and Technology, November 13-17, RI: Providence, USA. Retrieved Nov. 1, 2004 from
Zhang, Y., Jeng, J., & Li, Y. (2004). IFLA FRBR as user-centered metadata evaluation framework for moving image collections. Proceedings of 2004 American Society for Information Science and Technology, November 13-17, RI: Providence, USA. Retrieved Nov. 1, 2004 from
Belkin, N. J., Chaleva, I., Cole, M, Li, Y., Liu, L., Liu, Y.-H., Muresan, G., Smith, C.-L., Sun, Y., Yuan, X.-J., & Zhang, X.-M. (2004). Rutgers' HARD Track experiments at TREC 2004. In E. M. Voorhees, & L. P. Buckland (Eds.), The Thirteenth Text Retrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2004), Gaithersburg, MA: NIST.
Belkin, N.J., Kelly, D., Lee, H.-J., Li, Y., Muresan, G., Tang, M.-C., Yuan, X.-J., & Zhang, X.-M. (2003). Rutgers' HARD and Web Interactive Track experiments at TREC 2003. In E. M. Voorhees, & L. P. Buckland (Eds.), Information Technology: The Twelfth Text Retrieval Conference TREC 2003 (pp.532-543). Geitherberg, MA: NIST.
Proceedings (in Chinese)
Zhang, Xiu, Li, Y. (2018). Health information screening behavior between young people and seniors. The 14th Conference on Library and Information Science Across the Taiwan Straits. 2018, 7.6-8, Nanjing.
Zhang, Xiaotong, Li, Y. (2017). Factors that influence information-seeking behavior of college student: A case of college student teams for mathematical contest in modeling. The 7th National Doctor Students’ Symposium on Information Science, 2017.7, Beijing.
Zhang, Xiu, Li, Y. (2017). College students' information screening behavior of health information in social media. The 7th National Doctor Students' Symposium on Information Science, 2017.7, Beijing.
Li, Y., Fan, Z., Sun, X. (2016). The relationships between exploratory search task attribute and information searching behavior. The 13th Conference on Library and Information Science Across the Taiwan Straits. 2016, 7.9-12, Wuhan.
Liang, N., Li, Y. (2015). Undergraduate education quality of library science education quality standard for undergraduate education based on AACSB international accreditation. The 4th International Symposium on Library and Information Science Education in the Digital Age, 2015, 10.25-27, Wuhan.
Liang, Q., He, X., Li, Y. (2014). An evaluation model for mobile search engines based on user experience. The 12th Conference on Library and Information Science Across the Taiwan Straits. 2014, 7.6-9, Tianjin.
Li, Y., Qi, X., Liang, N. (2014). Interaction evaluation model in digital library based on simulated work task situations. The 12th Conference on Library and Information Science Across the Taiwan Straits. 2014, 7.6-9, Tianjin.
Hu, L., Li, Y. (2012). Individual investors’ information seeking behavior. The 11th Conference on Library and Information Science Across the Taiwan Straits. 2012, 7.3-10, Taiwan.
Li, Yuelin & Li,Ying (2010). Professional Researchers with BroadKnowledge: What We can Learn from the Doctoral Education in Information Sciencein the USA.The Third International Symposium on Libraryand Information Science Education in the Digital Age.2010,10.
Li, Y. ,Yan,H &Ke,P(2010).Shaping MLIS as MBA: Reflections on MLISEducation in China. The Third International Symposium on Libraryand Information Science Education in the Digital Age.2010,10.
Li, Ying &Li,Yuelin(2011). Redesign of the Information Ethics Course forLibrary and Information Professional.TheThird International Symposium on Library and Information Science Education inthe Digital Age.2010,10.
Liang,N. &Li, Y. (2014).theAACSB international accreditation and the undergraduate education qualitystandard system of library science .The Fourth International Symposium andWorkshop on Library and Information Science Education in the Digital Age.10,25-27,2015,Wuhan.
Li, Y. Qi,X,.&Liang,N.(2014). the interactive digital libraryevaluation model based on simulation experiment. A report from the 12th Conference On Library and Information Science Across The Taiwan Straits. ,2014,7,6-9.
Liang,Q.,He,X,.&Li,Y (2014). Evaluation model of mobile search engines basedon user experiences. A report from the 12th Conference On Library andInformation Science Across The Taiwan Straits. ,2014,7,6-9.
Hu.,L&Li,Y. (2012). Characteristics of Information Seeking Behavior ofIndividual Investors on the Web .A report from the 12th confernce on Libraryand Information Science Across the Taiwan Straits. 2012, 7.3-10.
Projects (As a PI):
University of Glasgow-Nankai University exchange program, work with Dr. FrankHopfgartner
Encyclopedia of China, Information science volumes. intelligence agency andcharacters, Associate Editor
Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars,Ministry of Education of China(2012-2015) : cross cultural research oninformation behavior :online information search behavior of web users in Chinaand America under the web2.0 circumstance
Key comprehensive teaching reform project of Nankai university(2013.5-2014.122013.5-2014.12): Building a learning evaluation(AOL) system, and making a internationalized new mode of the managementdiscipline education
Personalized digital library ,Supported by Program for New CenturyExcellent Talents in University
National Social Science Foundation (2011-2014): A digital libraryevaluation model based on multi-dimensional interaction between users anddigital library(Grant No. 11BTQ009 ).
Tianjin Social Science Foundation (2010-2012): College students' onlineinformation seeking behavior and understanding of online information ethics (finished,and identified as A) (Grant No. TJTQ10-665).
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2010-2012):Individula investors' online information seeking behavior, NKZXB10086Projects (As a Participant)
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
2004- 2005: Experiment and Evaluation of Digital Library Performance.Principle investigator: Dr. Xiangmin Zhang. Funded by the IEEE, Inc.
2003-2004: Testing the Effectiveness of Collaborative Filtering forInformation Retrieval Systems: A Pilot Study. Principle investigator: Dr.Xiangmin Zhang. Funded by Rutgers University, Information Science &Technology Council.
2005 Summer: TREC HARD Track. Principle Investigator: Dr. Nicholas J.Belkin.
2004 Summer: TREC HARD Track. Principle Investigator: Dr. Nicholas J.Belkin.
2002-2004: Moving Image Collection (MIC) Evaluation. Principleinvestigator: Dr. Tefko Saracevic. Funded by NSF
2003 Summer: TREC Interactive Subtrack. Principle Investigator: Dr.Nicholas Belkin.
2002 Summer: TREC Interactive Track. Principle Investigator: Dr. NicholasBelkin.